- early and late (at all times)
- easy come, easy go
- easy money (bribe)
- eat a humble pie (be humiliated/apologize)
- eat dirt
- elixir of life
- empty compliment
- enter upon (to engage)
- epoch-making (remarkable)
- escape literature (a light reading)
- eye for an eye (retaliation)
- eyewash (bunkum)
- face the music (face the impacts)
- fair sex (woman folks)
- fair-weather friends
- fall behind
- fall by the wayside
- fall flat (of no effect)
- fan the flames (make intense)
- far-reaching
- fatal blow
- feel handsome (to feel well)
- feel the pulse (to find one’s secret)
- fifth columnist (traitor)
- first cause
- fish in the troubled water
- fit like a glove (exactly)
- flare-up
- fly high
- for good
- for good and all
- fountain of justice (full of justice)
- fourth estate (the press)
- from hand to mouth ( poverty)
- jail-bird (a prisoner of many times)
- get into hot water
- Ghostly weapons (religious arguments)
- gift of the gab (a talent of talking)
- give a damn to sth(not to care at all)
- give effect to
- give in (to yield to)
- give sbd the benefit of doubt
- give the devil his due (give the right to everyone)
- give vent to sth (to express sth freely)
- go awry
- go rack and ruin
- go through (read/examine/experience)
- go to the devil
- go to the dogs
- grade up
- grease one’s palm (to bribe)
- green eye (jealousy)
- gutter press (vulgar press)
- hammer an idea into one’s head
- hand to mouth
- hanker after
- hanky panky (of dishonest intention)
- hard and fast (definite)
- hard cash
- hard nut to crack (difficult convince)
- hark back (to revert)
- have advantage over
- have two strings in one bow
- high explosive (very irritable man)
- high time (time of action)
- hold in contempt
- hold no account
- house of ill fame (a brothel)
- Hows and whys
- hue and cry
- I bet (I’m certain)
- in a nutshell
- in all conscience
- in black and white
- in cold blood (deliberately)
- in common with
- in fits and stars
- in fog (puzzled)
- 79.in all/good conscience (honestly/fairly: you can’t in all conscience call it an act of honour
- in full bloom (in full growth)
- in good faith (with sincerity)
- 82. ill-fated (unfortunate)
- 83. in the interim (during the time of some rest of sth)
- 84.in jeopardy (at risk)
- in letter and spirit
- in lump sum
- 87. in microcosm (on a small scale)
- in one’s birthday suit (without clothes on)
- in so far as (to the extent of)
- in the aftermath
- in the clouds
- in the dead of winter
- in the lap of luxury
- in the limelight
- in the making (in the process of developing)
- in the meantime
- in the mind’s eye (imagination)
- in the twinkling of an eye
- in the wake of ( in the aftermath of sth)
- in view of something
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Saturday, January 12, 2019
Idiomatic Expressions Continued-1
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