Monday, March 25, 2019

Negation of Love

Negation of Love

Different individuals define love differently mostly guided by the life experiences and the worldview they have had in course of their social interaction. However, for still a larger multitude love is God and God is love which is quite evident in most religious scriptures and the major base on which our faith leaders center their ritual discourses and preaching. In addition, this love is the driving force of life.

  Although the so-called hardliner communists may say that they do not believe in the existence of god or love, yet there is a conspicuous trace of love in them. To negate love is sheer hypocrisy. For love has a broad purview or spectrum; the feelings, the attachments, the affections, the hopes, the kindness, the desires for longevity, for betterment, for achievements, for possessions, etc. are some of the dominant pieces of evidence for the existence of love in human beings. The light of love –not greed or consciousness illuminates all these spectra.

  Love is the one and the only such entity bestowed upon all the living beings that make the world go round. Everything in this world is created for love and it sustains for love alone. Had there been no love, hate would have left no trace of life on earth. Hate thus creates havoc and mayhems thereby making it virtually impossible to live life. Our history recalls the tests and the tastes of times and climes as how one group of people gets indulged in extreme attempts to annihilate the existence of the other group(s) simply because the other is different by color, faith, temperament, and not so submissive and servile. The conflicts and clashes of the present-day world are the products of the hate we grow in our minds.

 The hard-core communists believe not in morality, religion, and metaphysics along with similar other ideologies and their corresponding forms of consciousness but only matter and consciousness gained by life and labor, then where does this consciousness of the matter and life come from—is it, love? The love for life--which invokes this consciousness in human beings and even other animals to some extent. This love is undoubtedly so powerful and pervasive that is what it always becomes the first and the last resort to get things done. Love alone serveth the true essence of life and living.

 Again the communists may debate that the whole mode of production in material life determines the social, political, and intellectual life process in general. It is not the instinctive consciousness of man that determines their being but on the contrary, their social being determines their consciousness.

 Nonetheless, it is exhorted on love behind all these premises that work in them.  As a vehicle being the complete entity itself, cannot move in the absence of a driver so is our socio-cultural life process; it cannot be determined without consciousness of the society being implanted by love, the love of being.

   Now comes the question of the loss of love in the destruction and death being wrought by the heinous terrorist attacks over these weeks in different parts of the world, including Nepal. If it is to see this loss of love, it is seen through the holistic binary paradigm of good and evil. This duality has always been the theme of hundreds of thousands of books, films, sermons, and preaching. However, antagonistic the terms ‘good’ and ‘evil’ may be, it is looked upon these as the absence of one resulting in the other. Evil, the loss of love, it is, in fact, non-existent, rather it is the absence of good, the love.

   Ignorance thus is the want of knowledge; folly the want of prudence; darkness the want of light; injustice the want of justice; weakness the want of strength; error the want of guidance; oblivion the want of memory; poverty; the want of prosperity; sickness the want of sound health; hate the want of love; death the want of life; and violence; the want of peace. These binary opposing forces prove that love is Love – a hallmark edifice of life.

   In the current context, the sole cause for terrorism is the absence of insight to realize the presence of love in human beings, being overlapped by a number of ephemeral luxuries, the matter or the materials. Thus, until and unless the veil of this materialistic fabric is torn out, love cannot survive in its true sense and which ensure the evil--- violence, killing massacres, a blazing, holocausts, etc., etc.

   Everyone knows and does understand the presence of love and kindness in them—the various forms of communism, the Maoists however strict and purist apostles of Marxism they may claim for the propounder of Marxism, Karl Marx himself could not keep away from love—the God. It is therefore high time, the perpetrators realized the oozing love in their inner- selves for their kinsmen; mother, fathers, brothers, sisters, the relatives, the society, the humanity, and the motherland by bringing all their heinous terrorist acts to an immediate end so as to create a new society, a new state free from all the jinx on the basis of mutual understanding and peaceful negotiation. Let us not relapse.


Written in 2001, October 22 as a reaction against the first major sabotage in Dang Army Station by the Maoists in Nepal in its crudest and unedited version.

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