Thursday, January 10, 2019

Ifs and Buts

Ifs and Buts

If I were born in a country,
Where peace prevailed, freedom fostered.
But peace’s become a distant dream
And freedom, a forgotten friend!

 If I were brought up in a place,
Where laws obeyed, justice ruled.
But they’re blatantly ridiculed,
Justice in markets bought and sold!

If I worked in a country,
Where work’s worshipped, honesty paid.
But work’s become blasphemous
And honesty’s famished tremendous!

If I served an institution,
That justly assessed my hard work.
But that’s favoured the sycophant
And judged me an utter impudent!

If I could persuade my students,
That creativity was honoured.
But they quipped, “You aren’t well dressed,
Creativity--Just non-existent!!”

If I had a people honest,
That shared the pains and pleasures
With the high and low of neighbours.
But that stabbed behind another’s back!

If I had the leaders with vision,
And work to change the nation.
But decades past, yet hunger ruled
And they’re swollen—people thinned!

If I had a bureaucracy
Free from political bigotry.
But many admit, “It’s corrupt,
And smeared and tainted in bribe!”

If I had the VCs and metropolis,
That could plan and polish the dwelling areas.
But everywhere there is a mess-
Open manholes, ditches and darkness!

If I had the police agile,
That delayed not a public case file.
But on the loose are the miscreants
And they say, “We’re on our full efforts!”

If I had the bankers with belief,
For the needy, hand some relief.
But you need a big guarantee
Let alone, the needy refugee!

If I had the teachers caring,
Who taught pupils, the value of sharing.
But they are specially trained,
To teach and train, but education.

If I had the doctors praiseworthy,
Who served the sick--not the money.
But the certificates are bought
To attend the rich for some nougat!

If I had the drivers and helpers,
Who drove sensibly for commuters.
But the race on the highway snake
Putting innocent lives at stake!

If I had the youth resourceful,
That despised brain drain—called shameful.
But dependency and idleness
Have drowned them into the abyss!

Had all these wishes been granted,
I would have my visa cancelled!
But I know they aren’t going to
’Cause I’ve seen the decades too!!!

By Jaya Narayan Bhusal
(Composed out of desperation in 2001, when the Maoist Insurgency was at its peak)

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