Thursday, March 18, 2021

Grammar Revision

Grammar Revision For Secondary /Intermediate level Students 

1. Rewrite the following sentences using the best option. [10]            

a)       Who is known as………………. Shakespeare of Nepal? (a/an/the)

b)       Desert plants are adapted to cope……………extreme heat. (out with/up with/at with)

c)        You had him do it, .………………..? (hadn't you, didn't you, won't you)

d)       He as well as his friends …………. killed in the accident. (is/ was /were)

e)       He laid down his life for the cause of freedom. The interrogative form of this statement is: “…………his life for the cause of freedom?” (Did he lie/ Did he lay/ Had he laid)

f)         There is a lot of noise in this class. The negative form of this statement is: “………………….. .” (There is no noise in this class/ There isn’t much noise in this class/ There is some noise in this class)

g)       You must come and see us when you…………in London again. (are/ will be/ have been)

h)       She said, “I haven’t stolen her books.” The indirect speech is: ……………. (She denied stealing her books/She denied to steal her books/She denied having stolen her books.)

i)         Who has shouted at her? Alternatively, “ …………?” (By whom has she been shouted at/ By whom was she shouted at? / Who is she being shouted at by?)

j)         ……………being overweight, he can run fast (However/ Despite of/ In spite of)

k)       Had I had enough time, I…………………. my parents (will call on/would call on/ would have called on)

l)         The news had me ………… for a while. (to worry/ worried/ worry) 


2.  Reproduce the following sentences as indicated in brackets.  [6]

a.             He is hardly interested in learning new things, ................? (Add the suitable tag)

b.            He is hardly interested in learning new things, ................? (Add the suitable tag) He hung a coat on the wall. (Into negative)

c.             She shot an arrow. (Into interrogative)

d.            Renuka…………………. (cut) her finger. It’s still bleeding. (Put the verb in the bracket in the correct tense)

e.             He said to me, “Where did you go yesterday?” (Into indirect speech)

f.              They built a new bridge in the village. (Into passive voice)

3.  Rewrite the following text selecting the appropriate options from the brackets. [10]

There was once________ (a/an/the) old farmer. He_______ (has/have/had) three sons. They were lazy. They didn't work in the field. He feared that his son________ (will suffer/would suffer/suffer) much after his death________ (because/so/however), he thought of a plan to make his sons work in the field. One day he called his sons and told them that the treasures________ (buried/were buried/has been buried) somewhere in the field. He told his son's, ''If you of the field, you________ (will get/would get/ would have get) them. ''They were tempted to the treasures and they began to dig the field, but could not find the treasures anywhere. ________ (at/on/to) the same time they sowed seeds in the field. There was fine crop. The sons ________ (became\become\becomes) rich. The old father made his son________ (to work\ work\worked) hard, ________ (did he\didn't he\was he)? 

4.  Rewrite the following text selecting the appropriate options from the brackets. [10]

Everybody............. (want/ wants/ wanted) to be successful in life, ............. (do they/ don't he/ don't they)? (Although/ However/So) ……………., a few people do. Can you give me............. (an/ the/ some) advice as to how ............. successful? (one can/ become/ can one become/ one could become) Each of us ............. (have/ had/ has) latent potential which ............. (have to be/ has to be/ has to) explored for its manifestation. If you cultivate a habit of pursuing your hobby, it ............ (will help/ would help/ would have helped) you a lot. Moreover, having an aim in life makes one............. (to stick/ stick/ stuck) to one's work. So you should always avail yourself............. (off/ of/ for) your own potential to get success in life.

5.  Choose the correct answers and complete the following passage. [10]

 In the valley of Titwal lived a small family of four earning ……………… (a, an, the) living by sweating hard…………… (at, in, on) their farm. One day as Sunny was tilling his land in the scorching sun, he grew thirsty and asked his wife to bring a glass of water. ……………. . (Although, Despite, However) she heard her husband’s voice, she couldn’t understand what he was saying. So she came out of the kitchen and asked him ……………… her to do (what he had asked, what did he ask, what was he asking). Many a person ………….. (have, had, has) to work hard in order to meet their both ends meet. What…………. (has done, has been done, is done) to uplift the standard of the poor so far? No one can give a satisfactory answer ,……………..? (can they, can’t they, could they). The crooked politicians………….. (are cheating, are being cheated, have been cheating) them for ages. If the politicians had really worked for the country, we …………………………. (will not have to see, would not have to see, would not have had to see) this state of our country.  Let’s ponder how we can have the politicians…………. (keep, to keep, kept) their promise.

6. Rewrite the given story choosing the best alternative given in the brackets. (12)

Yesterday Sita and Ram both sat………(at/on/for) the SLC Preparation Examination. Some questions were very tough. “Aye Sita,….……… (does/do/did) you know………… (a/the/an) answer to question number 8?” Ram asked.

……. (After/Before/Later) Sita answered the teacher said, “Don’t talk or whisper in the examination hall, the others……(works/are working/have worked). You have to keep quiet,………?(haven’t you/don’t you/haven’t you) ”After a while, Ram reiterated, “Sita, question number 8…?”

“I wish I ……… (know/knew/would know) the answer”, Sita reiterated, “If I had known the answer, I would have told you”. “I will never pass ……….. (however/so much/nevertheless) hard I try”, thought Ram. He wasn’t able to answer even a single question since he had arrived.

Two hours passed. “Those …….. (that/whom/who) have finished can submit their copies and wait silently till the final bell but those who are trying to copy or cheat from others, their papers shall be canceled!”. Ram heard the English teacher shout. He was very sad because he couldn’t answer the questions. None of the questions from No: 8……….(is/are/was) answered by Ram. Please don’t be a student like Ram.

7 Reproduce the following as indicated in brackets.        [12]

a.       Nobody has arrived yet, …………………….? (Add a suitable tag)

b.      He lay in his bed (Into interrogative).

c.       He has his sweater sewn (Into negative).

d.      You must see me when you……………in London. (Use the appropriate form of the verb ‘be’)

e.       She asked me whether I had had my lunch on time the previous day. (Into direct speech)

f.        There is no time to waste. (Into passive voice)

8. Choose the correct answers and complete the following passage. (5)

Once there was a hunter…………….(who, whom, which) lived in a village. He had a dog. It was very faithful. One day the hunter with his wife………..(was, were, are) going to the city leaving their baby son at home. A wolf came there, entered the house, and attacked the baby. The dog fought……….(of, with, by) the wolf bravely and killed it.

In the evening the hunter and his wife returned from the city. The dog was waiting outside for its master to say, “…………….(It has saved, It had saved, I have saved) the baby. “When it saw its master, it…………(was licking, licked, has licked) the master’s feet. The hunter saw the stains of blood on the dog’s mouth. It made him……………(suspect, suspected, to suspect) that the dog……………….(kills, has killed, had killed) his son. He became very angry and instantly killed the dog shooting it with his gun,…………….(didn’t he, didn’t it, don’t he)? Later, when he found his son sleeping safe and sound inside the house and…………..(a, an, the) wolf lying dead near the baby, he regretted his thoughtless cruel action upon his faithful dog and wept bitterly. If he had been a little patient and thoughtful, he……………….( would not have to, would not have had to repent, will not have to repent) on his action.

 The End

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