A Father's Query

Dear Mr. Principal,
I would like to draw your attention towards the recent academic results of the Mid Term Test for the Nursery Class which shocked me to find that the progress report contained nothing but the strange letters indicating merely the general idea of my child's progress over the past two months.
I would appreciate it if you considered the following points before effecting the grading system even for the tiny tots.

1. Practical purpose and meaning of grading at this Kindergarten Level
2. Appraisal of grading to parents and their imminent response against keeping them in the dark of the specific needs, weaknesses and strengths of children until the Final Term
3. Spirit of competition and desire to excel especially by the smart students irrespective of level
4.Students' response and attention towards their studies in the light of grading especially of the achievers
5.Effectiveness of teachers' regular class and students' attitudes towards teacher and the school in general
6.Authenticity of Government's decree to/not to launch grading level-wise ,and several other issues associated with this controversial issue.

I am not well aware whether or not you welcome constructive suggestions for the benefit of the entire institute,however I have dared to share some of my observations regarding the grading system so unexpectedly launched by KINS.

Looking forward to being heard and responded soon.

With kindest regards,
Note: The School Principal never responded.

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