Saturday, April 10, 2021

I-20 at a Glance

I-20 at a Glance


The increasing craze for a US Academic degree has made me have some cursory information about the so-elusive document I-20, especially for the ones studying in schools other than the United States. Having gone through several websites, personal acquaintances, YouTube videos, and some direct information from the US Embassy official, I understood it as the first and foremost prerequisite certificate of eligibility for international nonimmigrant student status basically issued by the DSO (Designated School Official) at every school/college/university that accepts international students in their academic programs. This I-20 form is a basic requirement for the visa application to study in the US under the visa categories like F1(Academic and Language Programs) and M1 (Non-academic/Vocational Program).


1. All those students who get accepted by the primary or secondary schools, colleges, or universities certified by SEVP (Student Exchange Visitor Program).

2. All those international students who have provided solid evidence of scholarship, sponsorship, or financial liabilities for at least one academic year (9+months) as per the requirement of the schools (Academic Institutes) verified by their DSOs.

3. All International students’ dependents (spouse or children) who need to accompany them in the United States and have provided sufficient evidence of their living and medical expenses in any form like bank certificate/statement, personal savings or sponsorship letter as prescribed by the DSO.


1.   Apply for F1 or M1 Visa (Non-immigrant Student Visa)

2.   Apply for a US social security number

3.   Apply for a US state driver’s license

4.   Apply for a US state ID card

5.   Change F1 visa status to any other status

6.  To prove work authorization for F1 students


A.                Page-1

1.  SEVIS ID Number: N0000123489

2.  Student Personal Details

3.  School Information

4.  Program of Study

5.  Financials

6.  Remarks

7.  School Attestation

8. Student Attestation (only parents/grandparents sign this in case the student is below 18)

B.                 Page-2

1.  SEVIS ID Number: N0000123489          (F-1)   Name: Name of student

2.  Employment Authorization and Employer Information

3.  Change of status/Cap-Gap Extension (Only for status change of F-1)

4.  Authorized Reduced Course Load

5.  Current Session Dates

6. Travel Endorsement

C.                 Page-3

1.  Detail Information and Instructions from Department of Homeland Security

a)    US Immigration and Customs Enforcement

b)    I-20, Certificate of Eligibility for Non-Immigrant Student Status


The significance of the form lies in that this document, I-20 must be with the students and their dependents, if any, at all times of their stay in the US and it must also be carried along during their short trips to places outside the US as the DSO must endorse your visits and it might be required to produce before the customs and immigration while reentering the US.

The End

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