Saturday, March 9, 2019

Spelling Test-4

97.   diagnosticof finding the cause behind
98.   dialecticalrelating to discussion
99.   dichotomya division into two parts
100.  dictatorruler who has a complete power over a country
101.  diffidenttimid
102.  discriminate to show difference or things
103.  discriminateto differentiate
104.  disguise to change appearance
105.  disseminateto spread the seeds of something
106.  downpour sudden fall of heavy rain
107.  downpour sudden fall of heavy rain
108.  droppings waste material of birds and animal
109.  droppings waste material of birds and animals
110.  dubiousfull of doubt
111.  duodecimalproceeding by twelve's
112.  duodenum first part of small intestine next to the stomach
113.  eccentricnot conventional
114.  ecclesiasticalof one's choice
115.  eclectic choosing the best from many sources
116.  educationalistperson specialist in theories and method of teaching
117.  egalitarianbelieving in the social and economic equality of all people
118.  egregiousextremely bad
119.  elasticity the quality to stretch and return to its normal size
120.  elasticitythe quality to stretch and return to its normal size
121.  ellipticaloval
122.  embezzlementtheft of fund
123.  empiricalrelying on experience and observation
124.  encephalitisa disease cause by mosquito bite
125.  enchantmenta feeling of great pleasure
126.  encyclopediaset of book giving a wide range of knowledge                            Read more...

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