Words | Meanings |
63. chrysanthemum | flower blooming in autumn |
64. cinchona | quinine producing tree |
65. circuitous | roundabout |
66. circumlocution | an indirect expression |
67. claustrophobia | fear of confined place |
68. colleague | co-worker |
69. colloquial | conversational |
70. complaisance | easy going habit of the mind |
71. conciliatory | making peace |
72. conflagration | great and destructive fire |
73. congregation | gathering of people |
74. coniferous | bearing cones |
75. connoisseur | a person with good judgment, especially in art |
76. consecutive | one after another |
77. consensus | unanimity or general agreement |
78. constituency | body of voters living in a province |
79. cosmopolitan | at home in many places or situations |
80. counsel | advice given by elder people |
81. countenance | face |
82. credulous | eager to believe |
83. criminology | the study of crime |
84. criterion | standard of judgment |
85. crystallization | process of forming crystals |
86. dampen | to make slightly wet |
87. definitive | conclusive |
88. deliquescent | changing into liquid in air |
89. deliverance | being set free |
90. demagogue | a leader of the people, but more a rabble rouser |
91. Demography | statistics of death, birth etc. |
92. dermatology | the study of skin and its disease |
93. derogatory | disapproving |
94. designation | given a person a particular status Read more... |
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Saturday, March 9, 2019
Spelling Test-3
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