Saturday, March 9, 2019

Spelling Test-3

63. chrysanthemumflower blooming in autumn
64. cinchonaquinine producing tree
65.   circuitousroundabout
66.   circumlocutionan indirect expression
67.   claustrophobiafear of confined place
68.   colleagueco-worker
69.   colloquialconversational
70.   complaisanceeasy going habit of the mind
71.   conciliatorymaking peace
72.   conflagrationgreat and destructive fire
73.   congregationgathering of people
74.   coniferous bearing cones
75.   connoisseura person with good judgment, especially in art
76.   consecutiveone after another
77.   consensusunanimity or general agreement
78.   constituencybody of voters living in a province
79.   cosmopolitanat home in many places or situations
80.   counsel advice given by elder people
81.   countenanceface
82.   credulouseager to believe
83.   criminologythe study of crime
84.   criterionstandard of judgment
85.   crystallization process of forming crystals
86.   dampen to make slightly wet
87.   definitiveconclusive
88.   deliquescentchanging into liquid in air
89.   deliverancebeing set free
90.   demagoguea leader of the people, but more a rabble rouser
91.   Demographystatistics of death, birth etc.
92.   dermatologythe study of skin and its disease
93.   derogatorydisapproving
94.   designation given a person a particular status                                            

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