Words | Meanings |
127. endocrinology | study of glands for treatment |
128. entrepreneur | businessman |
129. epaulette | badges for a rank in the army |
130. ephemeral | lasting for a short time |
131. epistemology | philosophy dealing with knowledge |
132. equanimity | calm |
133. equitable | fair |
134. equivocal | intentionally confusing |
135. Eradicate | to destroy or get rid of |
136. erroneous | mistaken |
137. ethereal | heavenly |
138. euphemism | a pleasant expression used in place of an unpleasant or offensive one |
139. evanescent | fleeting |
140. evanescent | happening for only the briefest time |
141. excursion | short journey made for pleasure |
142. exhaustive | thorough |
143. existential | having something to with existence |
144. expatriate | to throw someone out of his or her own native land |
145. extraneous | unnecessary |
146. extrovert | open, outgoing person |
147. fabrication | false story or event |
148. facetious | humorous |
149. fatigue | condition of being tired |
150. figurative | based on figures of speech |
151. flamboyant | brightly colored |
152. gangrene | decay of part of a body |
153. garrulous | talkative |
154. gastroenteritis | disease |
155. glaucoma | eye disease which loses sight |
156. grandiose | absurdly exaggerated |
157. gregarious | sociable |
158. gynecology | science of woman disease |
159. haemorrhage | disease Read more... |
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Saturday, March 9, 2019
Spelling Test-5
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