Saturday, March 9, 2019

Spelling Test-5

127.  endocrinologystudy of glands for treatment
128.  entrepreneurbusinessman
129.  epaulettebadges for a rank in the army
130.  ephemerallasting for a short time
131.  epistemology philosophy dealing with knowledge
132.  equanimitycalm
133.  equitablefair
134.  equivocalintentionally confusing
135.  Eradicateto destroy or get rid of
136.  erroneousmistaken
137.  etherealheavenly
138.  euphemisma pleasant expression used in place of an unpleasant or offensive one
139.  evanescentfleeting
140.  evanescenthappening for only the briefest time
141.  excursionshort journey made for pleasure
142.  exhaustivethorough
143.  existentialhaving something to with existence
144.  expatriateto throw someone out of his or her own native land
145.  extraneousunnecessary
146.  extrovertopen, outgoing person
147.  fabricationfalse story or event
148.  facetioushumorous
149.  fatigue condition of being tired
150.  figurativebased on figures of speech
151.  flamboyantbrightly colored
152.  gangrenedecay of part of a body
153.  garruloustalkative
154.  gastroenteritis disease
155.  glaucomaeye disease which loses sight
156.  grandioseabsurdly exaggerated
157.  gregarioussociable
158.  gynecologyscience of woman disease
159.  haemorrhage disease                                                                                          

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