Monday, February 24, 2020

SEE Model Set 1000 X 2020

Time: 2.15 Hrs.                 SEE Examination-2076        Full Marks: 75
Grade: X                               English Set: 1000X            Pass Mark: 30

Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as possible. You must copy statements for true/false, matching, sentence completion, cloze test, reordering, and grammar items. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. Read the following poem and do the activities that follow. [5]

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there 
Had worn them really about the same, 
And both that morning equally lay 
In leaves, no step had trodden black. 
Oh, I kept the first for another day! 
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if l should ever come back. 
I shall be telling this with a sigh 
Somewhere ages and ages hence 
Two roads diverged in a wood, and, I
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

A. Fill in the blank spaces with appropriate words.  [2x1=2]  

(a) The speaker is travelling in the ..... season.
(b) The poem deals with the.....that people have to make in life.

B. Answer the following questions. [3x1=3]

(a) Where is the speaker standing in this poem? 
(b) Which road does he choose to travel?
(c) What is the speaker doubtful at?

2. Read the following text and do the activities that follow.   [10]
I suppose every family has a black sheep. Tom had been a sore trial to him for twenty years. He had begun life decently enough: he went into business, married, and had two children. The Ramsays were perfectly respectable people and there was every reason to suppose that Tom Ramsay would have a useful and honourable career. But one day, without warning, he announced that he didn't like work and that he wasn't suited for marriage. He wanted to enjoy himself. He would listen to no expostulations. He left his wife and his office. He had a little money and he spent two happy years in the various capitals of Europe. Rumors of his doings reached his relations from time to time and they were profoundly shocked. He certainly had a very good time. They shook their heads and asked what would happen when his money was spent. They soon found out: he borrowed. He was charming and unscrupulous. I have never met anyone to whom it was more difficult to refuse a loan. He made a steady income from his friends and he made friends easily. But he always said that the money you spent on necessities was boring. The money that was amusing to spend was the money you spent on luxuries. For this, he depended on his brother George. He didn't waste his charm on him. George was respectable. Once or twice he fell to Tom's promises of amendment and gave him considerable sums in order that he might make a fresh stat. On these, Tom bought a motor car and some very nice jewellery. But when circumstances forced George to realize that his brother would never settle down and he washed his hands of him, Tom, without a qualm, began to blackmail him. It was not very nice for a respectable lawyer to find his brother shaking cocktails behind the bar of his favourite restaurant or to see him waiting on the box seat of a taxi outside his club. Tom said that to serve in a bar or to drive a taxi was a perfectly decent occupation, but if George could oblige him with a couple of hundred pounds he didn't mind for the honour of the family giving it up. George paid.
A. Write "True" for true and "False" for the false statements.   5x1=5 
(a) Tom left his wife and his office to enjoy his life freely 
(b) Tom had a regular income from his business. 
(c) The relatives were delighted to know that Tom was visiting capitals of Europe.
(d) He preferred expenses on luxuries to expenses on necessities. 
(e) Brother George was a responsible brother.

B. Answer the following questions. [5x1=5]

(a) Why is Tom called a black sheep? 
(b) How did Tom survive when he ran out of money? 
(c) What was the shocking announcement made by Tom? 
(d) How was 'Tom's personality? 
(e) Whom did 'Tom rely on for his expenses?

3. Read the following advertisement and do the activities that follow.10


HELP, the global conservation organisation leading international efforts for a living planet seeks applications from qualified Nepali candidates for the following full-time position.
Candidates who are willing to work within a diverse team in a multicultural environment with commitment and passion are highly encouraged to apply.
Senior Officer-Fund Raising And Innovation
Major Responsibilities:
The senior Office will play a key role in helping diversity HELP's fundraising portfolio. She will work in close coordination with other departments, field programs and partners to develop concept notes and proposals that are innovative and resonant With emerging funding trends. Donor interface will in effect constitute a major part of the job. His/her responsibility shall include substantial time spent at HELP's field project locations to interact with project managers and communities to tap project development opportunities.
Master's degree in Environment Science, Management, Marketing or a related field with at least five years of development sector experience in fund-raising, marketing and developing proposals is required. Communication skills include technical writing, public relations, and marketing.
Download the application form on the below mentioned website and send the same with application letter to the email address below by 17:00 hours on 17th January, 2019.
Emails without an application letter and completed application form will not be entertained. Only short-listed candidates will be informed. Detailed TOR for the above mentioned position can be downloaded from the website.

A. Match the words in column 'A' with their meanings in column B. (5x1=5)

Column ‘A'
a.              Global
b.              Candidates
c.              Opportunities
d.              Mission
e.              Responsibility

Column 'B'
i.              accountability
ii.               chances
iii.             great work
iv.             universal
v.              applicants

B. Answer the following questions.  (5x1=5
a.             What are the personal qualities of the candidates
b.              What are the major responsibilities of the candidates
c.              What is the essential academic qualification
d.              When and how can the candidates apply
e.              What is the post announced for?

4. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow.  [ 15]
Aunt Jane is now well over 70, but she is still a great cinema-goer. The cinema in our town closed down years ago and sometimes she has to travel twenty miles or more to see a good film. And once a month at least she goes up to London to see the latest foreign films Of course she could see most of these films on television, but the idea does not attract her. "It isn't the same. she says. "For one thing. the screen's too small. Besides, I like going to the cinema!"
One thing that has always puzzled us, Although Aunt Jane has lots of friends and enjoys company, she always goes to the cinema alone. We discovered the reason for this only recently from mother. "it may surprise you to learn that Aunt Jane wanted to be an actress when she was young," she told us. "She used to wait outside film studios all day. just to appear in crowd scenes. Your aunt has probably appeared in dozens of films- as a face in the crowd at a railway station or in the street! Sometimes she did not even know the name of the film they were making, so she couldn't go to see herself at the cinema!"
All the time, of course, she was looking for a small part in a film. Her big chance came when they started to make a film in our town. Jane managed to meet the director at a party, and he offered her a role as a shopkeeper. It really was a very small part- she only had a few lines to say - but it was an important moment for Jane. Before the great event, she rehearsed for days. In fact, she turned the sitting room into a shop! We all had to help. going in and out of the shop until she was word perfect And on an actual day she was marvelous. The director congratulated her. Jane thought that this was the beginning of her film career.
"Unfortunately, in the end, they did not include the shop scene in the film. But, nobody told Jane! When the film first appeared in London, she took all her friends to see it. And of course, she wasn't in it. It was a terrible blow! She stopped going to film studios and gave up the idea of becoming an actress. She still loves the cinema, as you all know, but from that day, she has always gone alone!"
A. Match the meanings in column "A' with the words in column 'B.                    7x1=7

a.              much more than
b.              the state of being with people
c.              structures where films are mad
d.              part in film or play
e.              practice
f.                made int
g.              disappointment

i. blow
ii. well over
iii. rehearsed
iv. company
 v. turned int
vi. role
vii. looked into

B. Answer the following questions.                [8x1=8]
a. How often does Jane go to London to see the films?
b. Why does Jane not watch the films on television?
c. Why did she use to stay outside the film studios?
d. How did she get a role in the film?      
e. Why did she turn her sitting room into a shop?
f. Why was she congratulated by the director?
g. Why did she take all her friends to see the film?
h. Does she still have the idea of becoming an actress? Why?

5. Write a set of instructions for making an omelet using the following clues.
Cues: Egg....onion....coriander/sat etc.. Stir for a minute .... oven/gas....pan ...oil...pour... turn ... take.

6. Write a short readable story with the help of the following outlines. Give it a suitable title too. Write in about 75-100 words.

A man walking along a beach... ..sees a girl moving back and forth finds thousands of starfish on sand picking them up one by one and throwing into the sea ... man asks her to stop the work as she can't make a difference to many them .... She throws one more saying "It surely made a difference to that one.....moral.

7. Compose a dialogue between two friends who are talking about their upcoming SEE examination.

8. Suppose you are residing in an area where the road construction is massive. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily about air pollution caused by the construction in the locality.

9. Reproduce the following sentences as directed in the brackets.
a. I am turning better these days. (Add a question tag.)
b. What do you have for breakfast? (Change into a statement.)
c. We don't live in a rented house either (Change into Affirmative.)
d. Look at the dark cloud. It's...... rain. (Use the correct form of the verb 'go' in the blank space.)
e. She said, "Did you have a meal on the plane?" (Change into indirect speech.)
f. Somebody is wrapping the parcel with a newspaper. (Change into passive voice.)

10. Choose and copy the best answers for the numbered blanks below. (Rewriting is not compulsory.) [10x0.5=5]
There lived..1.(an, a, the) university student near my house. He used to go to university...2 (on, in, with) foot One day I met him while he.. 3.. was going, went, had gone) to the market. He was in a hurry. I stopped and asked him, "Why... 4. (you are running, he was running, are you running)?" In fact, the bus had already started....5. ..(because, but, as) some people were left behind. Neither the boy nor his friends. 6. .(was, had, were) able to catch the bus. Everyone... 7. (were stranded, was stranded, are stranded) on the road. If they were in time, they... .. 8.. (would catch, will have caught, will catch) the bus without any problem. In this way, the situation made them. .9.(to regret, regret, regretted) themselves, 10.. (did it didn't it do they)

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