Monday, February 24, 2020

SEE MODEL SET 1000W 2020

SEE MODEL SET 1000W 2020

English Set: 1000W

SEE Pre-Qualification Examination

Time: 2.15 Hrs.  FullMarks: 75 Pass Mark: 30

 Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as possible. You must copy statements for true/false, matching, sentence completion, cloze test, reordering, and grammar items. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. Read the given story carefully and do the activities that follow.       [10]

The Ant and the Grasshopper

I could not help thinking of this fable when the other day I saw George Ramsay lunching by himself in a restaurant. I never saw anyone wear an expression of such deep gloom. He was staring into space. He looked as though the burden of the whole world sat on his shoulders. I was sorry for him: I suspected at once that his unfortunate brother had been causing trouble again. I went up to him and held out my hand. ‘How are you?’ I asked. ‘I’m not in hilarious spirits,’ he answered. ‘Is it Tom again?’ He sighed. ‘Yes, it’s Tom again.’ ‘Why don’t you chuck him? You’ve done everything in the world for him. You must know by now that he’s quite hopeless.’

I suppose every family has a black sheep. Tom had been a sore trial to him for twenty years. He had begun life decently enough: he went into business, married, and had two children. The Ramsays were perfectly respectable people and there was every reason to suppose that Tom Ramsay would have a useful and honorable career. But one day, without warning, he announced that he didn’t like work and that he wasn’t suited for marriage. He wanted to enjoy himself. He would listen to no expostulations. He left his wife and his office. He had a little money and he spent two happy years in the various capitals of Europe. 

Rumors of his doings reached his relations from time to time and they were profoundly shocked. He certainly had a very good time. They shook their heads and asked what would happen when his money was spent. They soon found out: he borrowed. He was charming and unscrupulous. I have never met anyone to whom it was more difficult to refuse a loan. He made a steady income from his friends and he made friends easily. But he always said that the money you spent on necessities was boring; the money that was amusing to spend was the money you spent on luxuries. For this, he depended on his brother George. He did not waste his charm on him. George was a serious man and insensible to such enticements. 

George was respectable. Once or twice he fell to Tom’s promises of amendment and gave him considerable sums in order that he might make a fresh start. On these Tom bought a motor–car and some very nice jewellery. But when circumstances forced George to realize that his brother would never settle down and he washed his hands of him, Tom, without a qualm, began to blackmail him. It was not very nice for a respectable lawyer to find his brother shaking cocktails behind the bar of his favourite restaurant or to see him waiting on the box–seat of a taxi outside his club. Tom said that to serve in a bar or to drive a taxi was a perfectly decent occupation, but if George could oblige him with a couple of hundred pounds he didn’t mind for the honour of the family giving it up. George paid.

Once, Tom nearly went to prison. George was terribly upset. He went into the whole discreditable affair. Really Tom had gone too far. He had been wild, thoughtless, and selfish, but he had never before done anything dishonest, by which George meant illegal; and if he were prosecuted he would assuredly be convicted. But you cannot allow your only brother to go to gaol. The man Tom had cheated, a man called Cronshaw, was vindictive. He was determined to take the matter into court; he said Tom was a scoundrel and should be punished. It cost George an infinite deal of trouble and five hundred pounds to settle the affair. I have never seen him in such a rage as when he heard that Tom and Cronshaw had gone off together to Monte Carlo the moment they cashed the cheque. They spent a happy month there. (664 words)

(Credit Source: Sixty Five Short Stories by W.Somerset Maugham)

A. Rewrite the following statements as they occur in the storyline. [5]

a)   Tom went on borrowing money from his friends quite unscrupulously.

b) Realizing Tom’s never-changing attitude, George stopped sending him money.

c)  Tom blackmailed his brother in the pretense of cheating a rogue called Cronshaw.

d)  George was heart-broken when he heard that Tom and Cronshaw had blackmailed him.

e)   Tom and Cronshaw together went to Monte Carlo to spend a holiday.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct information from the text.  [3]

a)     George would do anything to keep the…………of the family

b)     Eventually, Tom went into an utter …………affair.

c)     Nothing was……with Tom until he blackmailed George in complicity with Cronshaw.

C. Answer these questions in a sentence only.     [2]

a)     Why could people not refuse a loan to Tom?

b)     What do you think can change Tom’s attitude?

2. Go through the poem carefully and complete the tasks below.  [5]

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o’er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the milky way,

They stretched in never ending line

Along the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,

Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they

Outdid the sparkling waves in glee:

A poet could not but be gay,

In such a jocund company:

I gazed-and gazed-but little thought

What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils. (158 words)

--William Wordsworth

A. Find the words from the poem that are similar in meaning to these  

a) thoughtful

b)  ecstasy

B. Complete these statements choosing the correct alternatives. [3]

I. The speaker compares himself with………
a) a cloud

b) valleys and hills

c)  daffodils

II.The tossing of the daffodils was more elegant than…….

a)  the twinkling stars

b) the sparkling waves

c)  the bliss of solitude

III.The ‘bliss of solitude’ is nothing but…….

a)   the ecstasy felt

b)   the impression of the daffodils

c)    the loneliness

3. Read the following advertisement and answer the questions given below.     [10]

Killer Virus Against Cancer

Kristina Ivanova 

Nov 12, 2019

An Aussie company has invented a new virus that could eliminate every type of cancer. Human trials are about to begin by 2020.

The Australian scientists have engineered a new virus, based on cowpox, closely related to the vaccination virus. They called their cancer-treating creation CF33.

What they found was that CF33 was able to shrink tumors in mice. This discovery raised their hopes, and soon they could proceed with human trials. They will work with Australian breast and other cancer patients.

The oncolytic virus was created by the U.S. cancer expert Professor Yuman Fong. His innovational treatment was developed and licensed by the Australian biotech company Imugene.

When the moment for leveling up to human patients comes, they are planning to treat different types of cancer such as breast cancer, melanoma, lung cancer, bladder, gastric, and bowel cancer. This method will show where the treatment is most effective faster than just testing in one cancer.

Clearly, there is no 100% chance they will succeed, having in mind that early phase human trials are known as the valley of death for many medical breakthroughs.

However, Professor Fong is confident about his discovery due to several other specific cancer-killing viruses already proving to be effective in fighting cancer in humans.

According to News Australia, Professor Fong said, “There was evidence that viruses could kill cancer from the early 1900s when people vaccinated against rabies had their cancer disappear, they went into remission.” 

The cancer expert is certain that cowpox wouldn’t cause any harm to humans. What he did was mixing it with various other viruses.

Experiments showed his new treatment could kill different types of cancer.

Cancer patients will have the new CF33 virus injected directly into their tumors. This way it will infect only the cancer cells and explode them. Furthermore, the immune system of the patients will be alerted that there are cancer cells in the body. Then, the system will do its work – targeting and killing other diseased cells.

Chief Professor Sanchia Aranda, Cancer Council, notes that the potential new treatment will overcome many obstacles before it could be proven to work on real people. She adds that there’s still a possibility of unwanted effects if the immune system doesn’t cooperate as expected.

“Cancer cells are very clever, they are true Darwinians that mutate to survive and there is a likelihood they will evolve to become resistant to the virus as they do now to become resistant to chemotherapy and immunotherapy.” 

Despite the Council’s concerns, she believes that it is certainly worth testing the new treatment. (444 words)

A. Find the words and phrases from the report that are similar in meaning to these words. [4]
a) devised

b)  contrived

c)   contract

d)   innovations

B. Write True or False against the following statements. [4]

a)    Melanoma is a type of cancer.

b)  ‘Valley of Death’ refers to the obstacles in medical research discoveries from becoming new therapies.

c) Professor Fong's innovational treatment was developed and licensed by the American biotech company Imugene.

d)  CF33 virus not only decimates the cancerous cells but also strengthens the immune system.

C. Answer these questions in a sentence only. [2]

a)    What in the past had the patients delay the progress of cancer?

b)     What are Professor Sanchia Aranda’s doubts in regard to the effectiveness of CF33?

4.   Read the given advert and complete the tasks that follow. [15]

          Oxford International

We are pleased to introduce ourselves as one of the renowned recruiting agencies of Nepal. It is an ISO 9001: 2001 certified company with license no. 910/ 067/ 068.  Over the years, Oxford International has grown as one of the premier recruiting agencies, well known for its professionalism. We have been deemed as the most preferred outsourcing organization among migrant workers across Asia. 

The company has been successful in pursuing and developing a widespread business relationship with highly reputed overseas organizations. Saudi Arabia became our first business partner country. Now, the business has expanded gradually with a wide range of service sectors covering several other middle-east countries like the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Malaysia, Bahrain, and Oman. Our vigorous hospitality has enhanced the reputation of our company.

Oxford International conducts Hospitality and Construction related technical training. Hospitality Training Center conducts training comprehended to Hotels, Catering, Service Crew, and Baking. Similarly, the Technical Training Center provides training for Construction and Mechanical fields such as Scaffolder, Driver, Plumber, Electrician, Mason, Steel Fixers, etc. We train aspiring migrant workers and ready them for direct job placements.

Reception cum Admin Officer

Basic Job Information

Job Category: Secretarial/Front Office/Data Entry

Level: Non-gazetted Officer

Post: 5

Time: Full Time (Sunday through Friday)

Location: Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal

Salary: Five figures

Deadline: January 26, 2020

Job Specification

Education: Bachelor’s in any Discipline

Experience: ≥ 1 year

Apply to: Human Resource Manager, Oxford International, Kalimati, Kathmandu

Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: Confidence and motivation with an enthusiastic self-starter approach, organization, and communication skills with sound knowledge in MS Office package.

Competencies: You should be self-motivated, with a positive attitude to work in a team in addition to being an ethical personality and effective communicator. Leading the organization at your level thru proper result-oriented planning is most expected.

Job Description: You will have to communicate with clients and maintain records, establish work procedures and schedule the daily work of clerical staff as well as oversee and direct the daily company administrative processes and procedures. You are further expected to report the daily advancing and assist the Directors and Managers at any point of time.(359 words)

A.   Match the following columns. [5]

        Column-A                                                     Column-B                      

  1. education                                                   over NRS 10000.00

  2. migrant workers                                         admin Officer

  3. non-gazetted level                                     effective communication

  4. competency                                               Bachelor’s degree

  5. remuneration                                             middle-east countries


B. Decide whether the following statements are True, False or Not given. [5]

a) The company remains closed on the weekend.

b) Novices are also allowed to apply for the post.

c)The company is planning to recruit migrant workers in Jordon too.

d) There is no other outsourcing agency in Asia as much in demand as Oxford International.

e)  A blend of a positive attitude and an ethical demeanor can affirm your place for the post.

C. Answer the following questions in a sentence only. [5]

a)  What are the major training areas of the company?

b)  State the job description of the post in a sentence.

c)  What is the minimum experience required for the post?

d) How many training divisions are there in the company?

e)  Who do you think is best suited for the required post?

5.  Some people believe that students should be given a large amount of homework so that they can learn independently, while others disagree and think that they should be engaged in social activities rather than schoolwork at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree with their beliefs? Give specific reasons and examples to support your belief. [8]

6.  Write a couple of paragraphs on Cultural Understanding. [5]

7.  Write a short biography based on the given data. [5]



Important Information


Narayan Gopal Gurubacharya

4th Oct, 1939



Asha Gopal and Ram Devi Gurubacharya


Popular songs

Euta manchheko mayale kati; Yo Samjhine man chha; kehi mitho baat gara; + over 500 songs for films, opera, dramas and others



Best singer (Radio Nepal 1967); Gorkha Dakshin Bahu 4th 1976; Indra Rajya Laxmi Award 1983; Chhinnalata Award 1987; Trishakti Patta 1990 and several more.



Dec 5, 1990

8. Write a dialogue between any two friends who are discussing the ways and means to make Nepal a self-reliant nation on energy.          [6]

9.   Reproduce the following sentences as indicated in brackets. [6]

a)  She’d not listen to anyone, …………………….? (Question tag)

b) She seldom keeps her words. (Yes-no question).

c)  He lays an old book on the table. (Negative).

d)  We………. together for ten long years. (Correct tense ‘live’).

e) The thief denied having stolen the money. (Reporting speech)

f)   DidI ever make a mistake? (Passive voice).

10.  Complete the following text using the best alternative given in brackets. [5]

You should learn to write and get published if you want to make your voices ……………. (hear, heard, hearing). There is no royal road to writing…………. (is it, isn’t there, is there)?  We have to start from scratch. Unless you……………. (do not practice, practise, will practise) it, you can’t master this skill. Nobody loves…………. (to criticize, being criticized, criticizing) for their work. …………….. (Although,However, In spite of) you……………. (were, are, will be) bound to experience this when your writing reaches a wider audience. You should not be fed up ……. (off, with, of) the process you have to go through before you produce something worth reading.  ………. (The, A, Nothing) hard work you put in your writing determines your success. Nothing great……………. (has ever achieved/has ever been achieved/ has never been achieved) without hard work and dedication. Good news………… (is, are, was) that you have all it takes to learn writing.


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