Saturday, January 12, 2019

Idiomatic Expressions Continued-2

Idiomatic Expressions continued

  1. easy come, easy go
  2. easy money  (bribe)
  3. eat a humble pie (be humiliated/apologize)
  4. eat dirt
  5. elixir of life
  6. empty compliment
  7. enter upon  (to engage)
  8. epoch-making  (remarkable)
  9. escape literature (a light reading)
  10. eye for an eye  (retaliation)
  11. eyewash  (bunkum)
  12. face the music (face the impacts)
  13. fair sex  (woman folks)
  14. fair-weather friends
  15. fall behind
  16. fall by the wayside
  17. fall flat  (of no effect)
  18. fan the flames  (make intense)
  19. far-reaching 
  20. fatal blow
  21. feel handsome  (to feel well)
  22. feel the pulse (to find one’s secret)
  23. fifth columnist (traitor)
  24. first cause
  25. fish in the troubled water
  26. fit like a glove  (exactly)
  27. flare-up
  28. fly high
  29. for good
  30. for good and all
  31. fountain of justice (full of justice)
  32. fourth estate  (the press)
  33. from hand to mouth  ( poverty)
  34. jail-bird (a prisoner of many times)
  35. get into hot water
  36. Ghostly weapons  (religious arguments)
  37. gift of the gab (a talent of talking)
  38. give a damn to sth(not to care at all)
  39. give effect to
  40. give in  (to yield to)
  41. give sbd the benefit of doubt
  42. give the devil his due (give the right to everyone)
  43. give vent to sth (to express sth freely)
  44. go awry
  45. go rack and ruin
  46. go through  (read/examine/experience)
  47. go to the devil
  48. go to the dogs
  49. grade up
  50. grease one’s palm (to bribe)
  51. green eye  (jealousy)
  52. gutter press (vulgar press)
  53. hammer an idea into one’s head
  54. hand to mouth
  55. hanker after
  56. hanky panky (of dishonest intention)
  57. hard and fast   (definite)
  58. hard cash
  59. hard nut to crack  (difficult convince)
  60. hark back  (to revert)
  61. have advantage over
  62. have two strings in one bow
  63. high explosive  (very irritable man)
  64. high time (time of action)
  65. hold in contempt
  66. hold no account
  67. house of ill fame  (a brothel)
  68. Hows and whys
  69. hue and cry
  70. I bet (I’m certain)
  71. in a nutshell
  72. in all conscience
  73. in black and white
  74. in cold blood (deliberately)
  75. in common with
  76. in fits and stars
  77. in fog (puzzled)
  78. in all/good conscience (honestly/fairly: you can’t in all conscience call it an act of honour
  79. in full bloom (in full growth)
  80. in good faith (with sincerity)
  81. ill-fated (unfortunate)
  82. in the interim (during the time of some rest of sth)
  83. in jeopardy (at risk)
  84. in letter and spirit
  85. in lump sum
  86. in microcosm (on a small scale)
  87. in one’s birthday suit (without clothes on)
  88. in so far as  (to the extent of)
  89. in the aftermath
  90. in the clouds
  91. in the dead of winter
  92. in the lap of luxury
  93. in the limelight
  94. in the making (in the process of developing)
  95. in the meantime
  96. in the mind’s eye  (imagination)
  97. in the twinkling of an eye
  98. in the wake of (  in the aftermath of sth)
  99. in view of something

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