Saturday, January 12, 2019

Idiomatic expressions-1

  1. bring to light
  2. bring to mind
  3. brush up (to renew)
  4. build castles in the air
  5. bump into sbd (meet sbd by chance)
  6. bunkum (sheer nonsense)
  7. burn the candle at both ends
  8. burst into tears
  9. bury the hatchet (to end dispute)
  10. by a long way
  11. by and  by
  12. by and large
  13. by degrees (gradually)
  14. by dint of
  15. by hook or by crook
  16. by leaps and bounds
  17. by the by (incidentally)
  18. by the skin of one’s teeth
  19. by the way
  20. by word of mouth
  21. By/from all accounts (from all reports)
  22. call bad names
  23. call for
  24. call in
  25. call on
27.        call sbd to accounts (call sbd accountable for sth)
  1. call upon (request)
  2. capital error (blunder)
  3. carry coal to Newcastle
  4. carry the day (to win)
  5. cast away
  6. cast down
  7. cat and dog life
  8. catch sight of
  9. catch somebody by their pants
  10. catch-22 situation (a very diff situation)
  11. Chapter and verse (the exact details)
  12. chew the cud
  13. chicken hearted
  14. child’s play
  15. chuck out (dismiss)
  16. clay brained (stupid)
  17. close an account with
  18. cock and bull’s story
  19. come about
  20. come across
  21. come out
  22. come round  (to recover)
  23. come to anchor  (ship/events)
  24. come to hand  (to receive)
  25. contempt of court
53.        cook the book( to alter facts to hide an illegal act)
  1. cost dear (dx+uf k8gf 
  2. count sheep (to try to go asleep )
  3. counter blast (a powerful reply to sth)
  4. correspond to
  5. count upon  (depend on)
  6. court of inquiry
  7. crop up
  8. cry against
  9. cry down
  10. cupboard love (false love)
  11. curry favour
  12. cut a dash
  13. cut a sorry figure
  14. Cross my heart
  15. crop up (to appear sth suddenly)
  16. creep  (a yes-man)
  17. cramp (to delay to sth’s development)
71.        crack down (to try harder to stop an illegal task)
72.        come along (to arrive at the right time)
73.        come by (to obtain sth by efforts: Jobs are hard to come by these days)
74.        chunk sth off/sbd out of (to force sbd to leave a place)
75.        come betn sbd and sbd (to interfere with sbds)
76.        jump /leap to conclusion (to  come to a hasty conclusions)
77.        conjure away (to make sth disappear as if by magic)

  1. Connive
  2. Darken sbd’s door (to visit someone)
  3. day in day out
  4. dead against
  5. dead drunk  (completely drunk)
  6. deaf nut  (a nut without kernel
  7. die hard  (die with gr8 struggle/fanatic)
  8. die in harness
  9. dispense with
  10. dissolved in tears  (wept bitterly)
  11. do as Romans do
  12. do away with something
  13. dot the I ’s and cross the T’s
  14. dog cheap (very cheap)
  15. Don’t you believe it (plz don’t believe it)
  16. donkey’s years  (after along time)
  17. dreamland  (the final goal)
  18. dry facts  (uninteresting ideas)

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