Thursday, January 24, 2019

Idiomatic Expression Continued

  1. in vogue
  2. ins and outs
  3. irony of  fate
  4. jack of all trades
  5. keep aloof
  6. keep the wolf from the door
  7. keep to
  8. kill the goose that lays golden eggs
  9. kiss the dust
  10. kith and kin
  11. knight of the hammer
  12. know- nothing
  13. know which side one’s bread is uttered
  14. lay up
  15. lead to the altar
  16. leave no stone unturned
  17. let sleeping dog lie
  18. let the cat out of the bag
  19. lion’s share
  20. live by one’s wit
  21. long drawn agony (gr8 suffering)
  22. long time no see
  23. make a difference
  24. make a fortune
25.        make a virtue of necessity (to do sth good by compulsion as there’s no other way: Being short of money,I’ve  nade a virtue of necessity and stopped drinking)
  1. make boot of
  2. make both ends meet
  3. make dizzy (to bewilder)
  4. make out
  5. make quips (utter sarcastic remarks)
  6. make sbd’s blood boil (to enrage sbd)
  7. make the pot boil
  8. man of iron
34.        mind one’s p’ s and q’ s (be accurate in ones manners and etiquettes)
  1. more or less
  2. move heaven and earth
  3. much ado about nothing
  4. nine day’s wonder
  5. nip in the bud
  6. not in the slightest
  7. note of dissent
  8. odds and ends
  9. odds and ends (all the stuffs)
  10. of no avail
  11. off the beat (immediately)
  12. off the cuff
  13. on good terms
  14. on no account (for no apparent reason)
  15. on one’s doorstep
  16. on one’s finger-tips (well versed in)
  17. on stand by
  18. on the air
  19. on the blink (out of order)
  20. on the carpet
  21. on the contrary (otherwise)
  22. on the wane (gradually decreasing)
57.        once bitten twice shy(cfuf]n] xfg]sf] ss…/ lah…ln rDsbf q;g])
  1. once in a blue moon
  2. once in a while
  3. one’s betters (superiors)
  4. out and out
  5. out of bounds
  6. out of question
  7. outstay one’s welcome
  8. over and above
  9. over the bottle
  10. Pandora’s Box (a box of troubles)
  11. person of figure
  12. pick up stream
  13. play a double game
  14. play a losing game
  15. poison one’s ear
  16. prick the bubble (destroy an illusion)
  17. Prince of darkness
  18. put off   (to postpone)
  19. put the cart before the horse
  20. raise an alarm
  21. ray of hope (slight chance/hope)
  22. right hand man
  23. run amuck
  24. save one’s bacon
  25. sbd’s blue eyed boy (s;}sf] unfd cln
83.        scream blue murder (protest wildly & noisily)

  1. see eye to eye  ( to agree entirely)
  2. see off
  3. sell like hot cakes
  4. send for
  5. separate the sheep from the goats
  6. set the Thames on fire  (do sth remarkable)
  7. show white feather  (to betray)
  8. shut up ( stop talking/keep quiet)
  9. sign one’s own death warrant
  10. sing a different tune
  11. sit on the fence
  12. skin sbd alive (threaten someone to work)
  13. so long as

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