Saturday, January 12, 2019

Fun with Vocabulary

Complete the following in/im-words with suitable letters so as to obtain the required meanings as given on the left.

  1. Impossible to explain or understand                                                       in... … pl… … …bl…
  2. Unsuitable or out of place                                                                     in… … … g… … o… ….
  3. To fix behavior or ideas by frequent repetition                                       in… … l… … t…
  4. Poor, in need                                                                                        in… … g… …t
  5. To persuade or cause                                                                            in… … t…
  6. Having a bad reputation                                                                        in… … … … u…
  7. Belonging to a person as part of his nature                                             in…a…e
  8. A remark containing a hidden insult                                                         in…u…n… …
  9. That cannot be understood or searched, mysterious                                 in… c… … t… … l…  
  10. To hint in an unpleasant way                                                                  in… … … … … … …
  11. That can not be overcome                                                                     in… … p… … a… … e
  12. Bold and fearless                                                                                  in… … … … … ….
  13. To flood                                                                                               in… … … … … ….
  14. Under the influence of alcohol                                                               in… … … … a… … …
  15. Impossible to imitate                                                                             in… … … … … … … …
  16. Not done on purpose                                                                             in … … … … … … … … t
  17. That cannot be avoided                                                                         in … …. … … … … l….
  18. That cannot be separated                                                                       in… … s… … … s… … … …
  19. Very curious                                                                                        in… … … … … … i… …
  20. Crazy, not in sense                                                                               in… … … …
  21. Unsteady, not stable                                                                              in… … … … i… … … y
  22. Fill with vigour                                                                                     in… … … r…
  23. That does never die                                                                               im… … … … … …     
  24. Teach skill                                                                                            in… … … … … …
  25. Essential, important                                                                              in … … … r… …
  26. An official court order not to do sth[1]                                                      in… …rd… … t
  27. A violent attack in words                                                                      in … e …t … v….
  28. To know sth by instinct                                                                         in… … … …
  29. Without fear                                                                                         in … r… p…d
  30. To twist sth or be twisted                                                                      in… … … t… … n…
  31. To confine sbd[2] for political or military reason                                       in… … … r…
  32. Continually stopping and then again starting                                          in …er … … t …e ….t
  33. Existing between the stars                                                                     in…t …l…a….
  34. Causing damage to both sides                                                                in… er… … c… …. e
  35. The burying of a dead body                                                                   in… … … m… … …
  36. A short time of comedy between a long play                                          in … ….l…. … …
  37. Not damaged                                                                                        in… … t
  38. In the original or proper place                                                               in …i….t….
  39. Having no flavour or taste                                                                     in… …p... …
  40. Most private or secret                                                                           in…. …. s...
  41. That cannot be satisfied                                                                        in … a… …a... … e
  42. The stomach and bowels                                                                       in … … d…
  43. To break a rule                                                                                                                    in … r... … g…
  44. Causing shame or loss of honuor                                                                                     in … … … … … o…s
  45. A sudden arrival of large number of people or money                                                 in … … u…
  46. To be unfaithful to one’s better half or hubby                                                               in... … d… … … t…
  47. To come to a conclusion based on a premise                                                                 in… … …
  48. To great to be describe                                                                                                       in … … … a… … e
  49. To persuade sbd to do sth                                                                                                  in… … c…
  50. A constantly worrying problem                                                                                        in… … b… s
  51. Silly inept, without any meaning                                                                                      in … n…
  52. To put the responsibility for sth on sbd                                                                           im… … t…
  53. Existing from birth                                                                                                              in… …e…
  54. Beginning to happen                                                                             in…i…i…n…
  55. An increase in money (as salary)                                                                       in… … e… …t

[1] Something                                                                                                                                
[2] somebody                                                                                                                             
Thursday, December 22, 2005

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