Saturday, January 12, 2019

Build your Vocabulary

What do you call people with these characteristics?

1.     One who feeds on fruits onlyÞ  F                                 
2.     One who feeds on human fleshÞC
3.     One who journeys from place to place ÞI
4.     One whose reasoning is clever yet false ÞS
5.     One who makes a display of his learning ÞP
6.     One devoted to the pleasure of eating and drinkingÞE
7.     One who can use both the hands ÞA
8.     One who pretends to be what he is not ÞH/I
9.     One who foretells futureÞ P
10.   One who entertains othersÞH
11.    One who steers a boat ÞW
12.   One who kills political figures ÞA
13.   One sent out on a missionÞE
14.   An unthankful personÞI
15.   One who abstains from alcoholic drinksÞT
16.   A hater of marriage  ÞM
17.   A hater of womenÞM
18.   One living at the same time as otherÞC
19.   One who collects coins  ÞN
20.  One who eats all kinds of foods ÞO/P
21.   One who governs a kingdom during infancy  ÞR
22.  One who sings in the choir  Þ C
23.  One who is opposed to intellectual progress ÞO
24.  One who has special skill in judging art, music, etcÞW
25.  A partner in crime ÞA
26.  An expert in story tellingÞR
27.  One who is new to everything ÞN
28.  One who runs away from justice or law ÞF
29.  One who retires from society to live alone ÞR
30.  One who writes shorthand  ÞS
31.   One who talks in his sleep ÞS
32.  One who walks in his sleep ÞS
33.   One who lends money by keeping some securityÞP
34.  One who feels himself as better than others ÞE
35.  A hater of mankind ÞM
36.  One who dies for his countryÞM
37.  One who breaks images or church ornaments ÞI
38.  One who studies about mankind ÞA
39.  One who devotes himself for humanity ÞP
40.  One who lends money at an exorbitant rate ÞU
41.   One who looks after horses at an inn ÞO/H
42.  A person in charge of a museum ÞC
43.  One who works only for money ÞM
44.  One who doesn’t believe in God ÞA
45.  One who makes a lot of noiseÞC
46.  One who doesn’t have his parentsÞO
47.  One who is next to a bishopÞC
48.  One who has charge of a church ÞS
49.  One vowed to an only single life Þ C
50.    One who believes in a single God ÞM
51.    One who watches over students taking examinationÞI
52.  One who specializes in the evolution of mankind  Þ A   
53.  A tradesman who arranges funerals Þ U      
54.  A messenger sent in a great hurry    Þ C
55.  A partner in crime Þ  C
56.  one who can both the hands equallyÞA
57.  one has a charge of a church building ÞS
58.  One who supports(kowtows) others without proper reasonÞS
59.  One who looks after sheep/goats ÞS
60.  One who  studies on snakes                 ÞP
61.   One who  uses magic to cure/punish others      ÞE
62.  One   to whom goods are dispatched    ÞC
63.  One Who marries a second wife while the first one is still alive/with him             ÞB
64.  One engaged to be married Þ F
65.  One Who is the head of a cathedral Þ D
66.  One who believes in many Gods Þ P
67.  One who has charge of a church building  Þ S
68.  One who fishes with a rod Þ A
69.  One who is under the protection  of another  Þ P
70.  One who speaks alike another(disguised speaker) ÞV
71.   One who loads and unloads ship Þ S T E … … … … … …
72.  One who works in brass Þ B
73.  One who deals in flower Þ F
74.  One who takes care of a building  ÞJ
75.  One who deals in medical herbs Þ H
76.  One who lends money at an exorbitant rate Þ U
77.  One who performs daring gymnastic feats Þ A
78.  One who collects postal stamps Þ P
79.  A teacher who goes teaching from place to placeÞ C
80.  One who draws plans Þ D
81.   One who deals in cattle Þ D
82.  One who deals in clothes Þ D
83.  One who draws maps ÞC
84.  One who walks on ropes Þ F
85.  One who makes barrels/tubes ,etc ÞC
86.  One who pays out money at a bank Þ T
87.  One who studies rocks and soil Þ G
88.  One is a professional horse rider Þ J
89.  The commander of a fleet Þ A
90.  One who types for books and paper Þ C
91.   One who compounds or sells drug/medicines ÞC/D
92.  One who performs trick by sleigh of hands Þ C
93.  One who looks to the dark side of things ÞP
94.  One who sneers at others’ beliefs & values Þ C
95.  One who maliciously sets fire on houses Þ I
96.  One who is the head of a town/metropolis Þ M
97.  One who makes wheels for carriages and carts Þ W
98.  One who builds ships Þ S
99.  One who loves animals Þ
100.    One who compiles a dictionary Þ L
101.     One who gets pleased in his own welfare ÞE
102.    One who versed in the science of human racesÞE
103.    One who  is a runaway prisoner Þ F
104.    One who steals only books Þ B
105.    One who looks after babies Þ B
106.    One who makes or sells candlesÞ C
107.    One who copies others Þ C
108. One who is difficult to convince  Þ A/H

© Jay Narayan Bhusal Dept. of English ‘GEMS’ E LT Materials: Vocabulary Practice Source: Oxford Dictionary 2003(Ed.)                        

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