Saturday, January 12, 2019

Vocabulary Practice for SAT Students

 Vocabulary Practice for SAT Students
Can you find the…..?
1.     One who feeds on fruits only - F
2.     One who feeds on human flesh - C
3.     One who journeys from place to place -  I
4.     One whose reasoning is clever yet false - S
5.     One who makes a display of his learning - P
6.     One devoted to the pleasure of eating and drinking - E
7.     One who can use both the hands - A
8.     One who pretends to be what he is not – H/I
9.     One who foretells future - P
10.  One who entertains others - H
11.  One who steers a boat - C
12.  One who kills political figures - A
13.  One sent out on a mission - E
14.  An unthankful person - I
15.  One who abstains from alcoholic drinks - T
16.  A hater of marriage - M
17.  A hater of women - M
18.  One living at the same time as other - C
19.  One who collects coins - N
20.  One who eats all kinds of foods – O/P
21.  One who governs a kingdom during infancy - R
22.  One who sings in the choir - C
23.  One who listens to the conversations of others -
24.  One who has special skill in judging art, music, etc - W
25.  A partner in crime - A
26.  An expert in story telling - R
27.  One who is new to everything - N
28.  One who runs away from justice or law - F
29.  One who retires from society to live alone - R
30.  One who writes shorthand - S
31.  One who talks in his sleep - S
32.  One who walks in his sleep - S
33.  One who lends money by keeping some security - P
34.  One who feels himself as better than others - E
35.  A hater of mankind - M
36.  One who dies for his country- M
37.  One who breaks images or church ornaments - I
38.  One who studies about mankind - A
39.  One who devotes himself for humanity - P
40.  One who lends money at an exorbitant rate - U
41.  One who looks after horses at an inn – O/H
42.  A person in charge of a museum - C
43.  One who works only for money - M
44.  One who doesn’t believe in god - A
45.  One who makes a lot of noise - C
46.  One who doesn’t have his parents - O
47.  One who is next to a bishop - C
48.  One who assists at services by lighting candles - A
49.  One vowed to an only single life - C
50.  One who believes in a single God - M
51.  One who watches over students taking examination - I
52.  One who specializes in the evolution of mankind - A
53.  A tradesman who arranges funerals -
54.  A messenger sent in a great hurry - C
55.  A partner in crime -  C
56.  One who can use both the hands equally - A
57.  One who has a charge of a church building – S

©Jaya Narayan Bhusal ELT Materials for SAT/GRE/GMAT Test preparation Tuesday, July 22, 2008

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