Saturday, January 12, 2019

Enrich your Expression

Enrich your Expression

Go through the following Words, Idioms, Phrases, and Sayings and try to use them in sensible sentences of your own (both spoken and written). Use Oxford’s Advanced Learners’ Dictionary, if needed.

  1. a burning question
  2. A chapter of accident (series of misfortunes)
  3. a cock and bull’s story
  4. a dark horse
  5. a double dealer
  6. a far cry
  7. a feather in one’s cap
  8. a fly on the wall (one who overhears others)
  9. a fool’s errand  (a useless venture)
  10. a fool’s paradise
  11. a freelance writer
  12. a Greek gift (gift with harming intention)
  13. a Herculean task
  14. a house of cards
  15. a jaundiced eye
  16. a jolly dog (a jovial fellow)
  17. a lazy bone
  18. a maiden speech
  19. a piece of cake
  20. a slip between the cup and the lip
  21. a stab in the back
  22. a white elephant
  23. a white lie
  24. a wolf in lambs attire
  25. above all
  26. absent minded
  27. account for
  28. act as antidote
  29. act upon
  30. acute accent(the mark above e in résumé)
  31. ad hoc
  32. ad verbum (word for word)
  33. add fuel to the fire
  34. add insult  to injury
  35. adhere to
  36. afar (from distance)
  37. affair of honour
  38. affiliate with
  39. against a rainy day
  40. age of consent (not minor)
  41. agree to differ
  42. agreeably (pleasantly)
  43. airy-fairy (impractical)
  44. all and sundry
  45. all the corners of the earth
  46. all the same
  47. all-out
  48. animal spirit (cheerful/full of life)
  49. answer back answer
  50. apostle of peace
  51. apple of discord
  52. apple of one’s eye
  53. arresting smile (alluring smile)
  54. as a matter of fact  (in reality)
  55. as bold as brass (very rude/without shame)
  56. as easy as winking
  57. as long as your arm (very long)
  58. as sure as gun/death
  59. asking price (the usual price)
  60. at a standstill
  61. at bottom (in reality)
  62. at daggers drawn
  63. at large (un restrained)
  64. at one’s wits’ end ( to get confused for being worried)
  65. a bad egg (a worthless person)
  66. a bag of bones(a very thin person)
  67. a ball of fire( an active person)
  68. a bird’s eye view
  69. a black sheep
  70. a brave new world (gof g]kfn) 
  71. a whole lot of sth (lot of sth)   
  72. bread and water (very plain food only 2 satisfy hunger)
  73. bread basket( an area of heavily fertile land)
  74. under/on the breadline (very poor people)
  75. break through sth (to overcome shyness)
  76. break wind (to fart/pass wind through the anus)
  77. Brinkmanship (take gr8 risk of policy as far as it is safely possible) He engaged in a deadly game of political brinkmanship.
  78. a broken reed( an inefficient man of a n office)
  79. e the cat’s whiskers ( to e an important person) thing
  80. buck (a US dollar)
  81. buck up (hurry up)
  82. hang on (please wait)
  83. burn the midnight oil(to work hard overnight)

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