Saturday, January 12, 2019

Better Your English Expressions

  1. butter sbd up (unfd cln ug]{ )
  2. buy time (to delay sth intentionally)
  3. by and by (slowly& gradually)
  4. call sbd names (to call sbd by insulting names)
  5. call by (to visit sbd while on the way)
  6. open a can of worms (to create a very complicated problem)
  7. canny (very wise/intelligent.etc)
  8. stand down (to resign from a position)
  9. still waters run deep(a calm person can be dangerously violent)
  10. on one’s toe (ready for action)
  11. tonic water (mineral water)
  12. touch upon (tell briefly)
  13. on the wane (gradually decreasing)
  14. like water  (in great quantities
  15.  much water has flowed under the bridge (many things have happened since the last event)
  16. at one’s last gasp
  17. at somebody’s earliest convenience
  18. at stake (at risk)
  19. at the eleventh hour
  20. at times
  21. back out (to withdraw from an agreement)
  22. backroom boys(the scientists/engineers/teachers/etc who have gr8 roles but do not come to the public)
  23.  back the wrong horse(2 support one that loses)
  24. back to square one
  25. back up
  26. badly off (having very little money)
  27. be all and end all
  28. be born yesterday (be very ignorant/inexperienced)
  29. be in one’s good books
  30. be in the same boat (work under the same boss)
  31. be over head and ears (in debt)
  32. bear down
  33. bear with (tolerate)
  34. bear with (have patient )
  35. beat about the bush
  36. beat the clock(to do things ere time)
  37. beatitudes (gr8 happiness)
  38. beauty sleep (sleep before midnight)
  39. before long (soon)
  40. beggars can’t be choosers
  41. behind closed doors
  42. behind one’s back
  43. behind the curtain
  44. bell the cat
  45. below the mark (below standard)
  46. bend one’s knee
  47. benefit of doubt
  48. be written all over sbd’s face(obvious esp guilt on one’s face)
  49. better half
  50. between the cup and the lip
  51. between the devil and the deep blue sea( in gr8 trouble/Hobson’s choice)
  52. bite the dust (be defeated)
  53. bill and coo (of lovers kiss & talk lovingly)
  54. bit by bit
  55. bite the bullet (accept the unpleasant)
  56. black diamond (coal)
  57. blind drunk (very drunk)
  58. blood and iron
  59. blood bath (massacre)
  60. blood curdling (filling with horror/fright)
  61. blood lust (desire to kill)
  62. blood money (;kf/L)
  63. bloomer (a serious mistake)
  64. blooper (an embarrassing public mistake)
  65. blow hot & cold (keep on changing opinions)
  66. blow one’s own trumpet (self praise)
  67. blow up
  68. bob up (to come to the surface suddenly)
  69. bogeyman (an evil spirit that haunts children)
  70. boiling hot (very hot)
  71. a bolt from the blue
  72. bone up on sth (to study very hard)
  73. booby prize (a prize to insult sbd for losing a contest)
  74. boozing (drinking wine excessively)
  75. born on the wrong side of the blanket
  76. born with a silver spoon
  77. boss-eyed (blind in one eye)
  78. bowing acquaintance
  79. boys will be boys (men are at times silly
  80. breadwinner
  81. break down
  82. break into
  83. break loose
  84. break the bank (to win /lose more money than and there is in a bank)
  85. break under
  86. break up
  87. breakthrough
  88. breathe one’s last
  89. bring about (a change)
  90. bring home the bacon (to achieve sth gr8)

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