Saturday, June 13, 2020

What the World Needs Today

The World Today Needs More Practical Hands than Theoretical Mouths

All the theories are written by Buddha, Mahabhir, Jesus, Gurunanak, have talked about peace, prosperity and human happiness but the modern world has become a storehouse of tension because a theory has not been translated into practice.

The modern politics by George Bush and Tony Blare is only about the theory not the practice, and had there been so, there would not be discrimination between the black and the white in America, Britain and other European countries.
Theory can be propounded sitting in a library but to bring it into practice requires great deal of courage and confidence. For example; philosophers like Tolstoy, Ruskin and others had brought the concept of non-violence in the pages of books but had Gandhi not brought it into practice then non-violence would not have been so popular all over the world. I like to draw your attention that "Lago Raho Munna Bhai" Hindi movie explains the same point that practical education is much more important than just theory.
All human beings know that there should be peace, harmony, and understanding among human beings but only a few practice it.

I would like to quote the view of Francis Bacon, who says "study is for delight, for ornament, for affection but the real use of study is to weigh and measure." This line shows that the importance of the study is not to mug up by parrot learning but to put it into practice in real life.

Once a philosopher Rajnit was given a Ph.D. thesis to study by one of the researchers and the researcher explained that he had spent 18 years of his life to define who is greater either Mahavir or Buddha. Then, Rajnit replied that had you spent 18 years of your life in the life of Buddha and Mahavir, you yourself had been Buddha and Mahavir. It means to say that theoretical knowledge makes us only pedantic but not a man of wisdom. The difference between theory and practice is the difference between knowledge and wisdom.
Therefore, a theoretical man may be a talent but a practical man is a genius.
By: Sanjog Dev

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