Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Online Test Materials: Reading Skill

Of the four major language skills, Reading has always remained the most challenging skill to develop for English language learners of other languages. Here is a list of some reading questions for  Intermediate and Primary Level school children.  These text materials have been extracted from various sources and thanks are due to all these sources and experts.
Please click these links to test your reading skill.

1. One Hundred Dollars

What money is and what it can do in the life of a man. Often it is said money is a good servant but a very bad master. How far do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Leonard James is a homeless man. For him, life is always hard. He is always hungry. His shoes have holes in them. He needs a haircut. His clothes are old and dirty.
 “What I would do with one hundred dollars!” Leonard says. This is a game he likes to play with himself to take his mind off things.

2. The Scientific Method
Network Elements Graphics - Free image on PixabayA  ‘Hypotheses,’ said Medawar in 1964, ‘are imaginative and inspirational in character’; they are ‘adventures of the mind’. He was arguing in favour of the position taken by Karl Popper in The Logic of Scientific Discovery (1972, 3rd edition) that the nature of scientific method is hypothetico-deductive and not, as is generally believed, inductive. (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

3. What if all started using e-books for all purposes?
Who cares about nature and the environment? Have you ever planted a sapling and tendered it well over a period of time? Is 'Global Warming and Climate Change" for real or it is merely a myth created by the union of small developing nations to curb/halt the unflinching progress made by the developed nations? What do you say...?
Right now, I am looking at a shelf full of relics, a collection of has-beens, old-timers, antiques, fossils. Right now I am looking at a shelf full of books. Yes, that's right. If you have some spare cash (the going rate is about $89) and are looking to enhance your reading experience, then I highly suggest you consider purchasing an e-reader. E-readers are replacing the books of old, and I welcome them with open arms (as you should).

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NEW COURSE English  (Reading and Writing) Time: 3 Hours                                                                                 ...

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