Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Often Misused Word Pairs: 31-57

SNWords Meanings
31PrincipleAn ideology/theory
32PrincipalThe Chief of an educational institute/main
33AdviseTo counsel/suggest (verb)
34AdviceAn opinion/a suggestion (noun)
35DeviceA tool/a handy equipment (noun)
36DeviseTo use an idea/trick to fix sth/get sth done (verb)
37Practise To keep doing sth until you master it (verb)
38PracticeA regular exercise done to master it
39ProphesyTo foretell/to say what will happen in future (verb)
40Prophecya statement that sth will in future (noun)
41LightingOf lights/effects etc. in a place or the cinema (noun)
42LighteningReducing the weight of sth/reducing the amount of work
43lightningA flash of light in the sky usually with a thunder (noun)(
44Ravage To do great harm/damage to sth/ somebody's feelings
45RavishTo seize sb/to rape/to give sb great pleasure (passive. verb)
46PersonalOf an individual/your own/not official/bodily
47PersonnelStaff/the people who work for a company/a department
48LuxuriousVery comfortable made with costly materials
49LuxuriantStrong and flourishing (plants/hair)
50CanvasA very coarse cloth(verb)
51CanvassTo try to solicit/get votes (during election time) (Verb)
52AvengeTo take revenge/get vengeance for an injustice (verb)
53RevengeTo make somebody suffer in return
54HordeA large crowd of people (disapproving word)
55HoardTo collect and stock large amount of goods/collection of money, etc.
56DiscoverTo find sth already available in nature
57InventTo create/envision a completely new idea/device, etc.

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