SN | Words | Meanings |
61 | Persons | Usually a small group of people from a particular field (formal) |
62 | Loath | Not willing to do sth (adjective) He was loath to admit his mistake. |
63 | Loathe | To extremely dislike sth/sb |
64 | Breathe | To inhale and exhale oxygen |
65 | Breath | The air you take in and send out |
66 | Cement | A grey powder made out of lime and clay for construction |
67 | Concrete | A mixture of cement, sand and crushed stones for construction |
68 | Emigrate | To leave one's country for another for permanent settlement ( |
69 | Immigrate | To come and live permanently in a new country, not yours ( |
70 | Historical | Connected with the past/ history |
71 | Historic | Important in history/a period during which history was recorded |
72 | Economical | Frugal/using minimum resources/cheap and cost effective |
73 | Economic | Related with trade and business (economic development) |
74 | Customer | A person/individual that has business transaction with other bigger firms |
75 | Client | A person who uses the services/advice from a professional/organization |
76 | About | In no particular place/here and there/nearly/very close to |
77 | Around | Approximately (often used like 76,77 and 78) |
78 | Round | In a circular direction |
79 | Rare | Unusual/not common |
80 | Scarce | Not much/in short of supply/not available in plenty |
81 | Pry | To try to find private information about others quite annoyingly/rudely |
82 | Prise | To use force to separate something from something else |
83 | Deny | To confidently declare not being involved in sth (of the past) |
84 | Refuse | To turn down somebody's advice/request/proposal, etc. (for present/ future) |
85 | Tasty | Having good flavour/relishing (adjective) |
86 | Tasteful | Attractive and good quality (furniture/clothes/decorations, etc.) |
87 | Tasteless | Having little or no flavour/lacking the ability to make the right choices alike others |
88 | Human | Of people/mankind |
89 | Humane | Generous/kind/supportive/compassionate |
90 | Fateful | Left on destiny/controlled by fate |
Continued... |
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Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Misused Word Pairs
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