Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Misused Word Pairs: 151-180

SNWords Meanings
151ForewordA short remark/introduction to a book at the beginning
152Blurb A short writing about a book/magazine in recommendation
153ForwardTowards a place in front of you/towards a good result
154FurtherTo a greater distance of extent in tasks or achievements/additional
155FartherTo a longer distance in space or time
156Credible Believable/ reliable
157CreditableOf quite good standard and deserving praise
158RevueA show in a theatre with songs, jokes, dances often about recent events
159ReviewA general report/comment/revision on sth (noun + verb)
160RevileTo bitterly criticize sb/sth that shows how much you dislike sth/sb
161RevenueThe income made out of taxes and duties by the government
162OralRelated to mouth (Oral Health) /a spoken exam in a university (ORAL TEST)
163VerbalOf spoken words, not written
164FlammableLikely to catch fire easily
165inflammableEasily burnt (petroleum) /full of strong emotions or violence
166TorturousCausing severe physical and mental pain
167TortuousNot simple and direct/long and complicated/convoluted
169TemperatureDegree of hotness or coldness (measurable)
170FeverHigher than normal body temperature/great interest or excitement for sth
171PoliticalConnected with the state, government or public affairs
172ApoliticalNot interested in politics, not thinking politics as an important affair
173GourmandAn epicure , one who is very fond of eating and eats large amount of food
174GourmetAn expert in food, wine and enjoys eating the best variety and quality of foods
175GluttonSomeone who eats too much (disapproving)
176WomanAn adult female/female human in general (Be quite woman!=a rude way of addressing)
177LadyA polite way of addressing an old woman/an unknown woman/a member of the nobility
178AlwaysEver, at all times
179All waysBy all means/ in every best possible ways
180SewageUsed and waste liquid from house and factories

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