Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Misused Word Pairs: 121-150

SNWords Meanings
121InternmentAn act of imprisoning sb during a war without any allegation
122IntermentThe act of burying a corpse/dead body
123ContagiousLikely to be spread by physical contact
124InfectiousLikely to be spread by air( easily transmittable ), Infections laughter (figurative)
125DiagnosisAn act of discovering/identifying the exact cause of a disease/illness
126PrognosisA forecast/an opinion based on medical experiences/a judgement on future activities
127AffectTo produce a change on sth by sth else
128EffectTo bring about a change / a result (noun)
129Effete Weak , without strength, looping or behaving like a woman (disapproving word)
130BullionOf gold or silver in large amount or in the form of bars
131BouillonA sort of soup/sauce made by boiling meat or vegetables in water
132ComplementSth to complete sth else perfectly well, a phrase that follows a linking verb (grammar)
133ComplimentA remark that express praise or admiration
134BiannualHappening twice a year/happening every six months
135BiennialHappening every two years/happening every twenty-four months
136CounselAdvise/advise (noun/verb)
137CouncilA coup of people elected for a mission/a formal meeting to discuss a situation
138InterstateOccurring between two or more states
139IntestateNot having made a will (a legal doc. for property transfer) before one dies
140AscentTo climb a mountain/higher places
141AssentAn official approval or agreement on sth
142Asset A property of value/a person or thing that is valuable to sb/sth
143ContinualRepeated many times often annoying (Suggests negative idea)
144ContinuousHappening or existing for a period of time without interruption (a positive idea)
145EminentPopular/distinguished (of professionals)
146ImminentLikely to happen soon in future
147AgnosticSomeone who doubts in the existence of God (noun)
148AtheistA person who does not believe in the existence of God at all (noun)
149ConfidantSomeone to whom a secret is confided (noun)
150ConfidentBeing sure of your ability to perform a certain task

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