Sunday, March 10, 2019

Last-Minute Tips for Writing Essays at School Level

Last-Minute Tips for Writing Essays at School Level

     A. Format and Layout

1. Keep your content on two facing pages in a text box.

2. Let the title of your essay be placed at the top center and underline it.

(Image Credit Source: Gardner, Peter. S (2005) New Directions, CUP.

3. Display a systematic brainstorming algorithm with the information questions like-

b.Why c.How d. Who e.Where f.When 
g.  Whose h. Which 

4. Write a strong thesis statement and underline it.

5. Write in not less than five paragraphs.

6. Connect your paragraphs with suitable transitional words and phrases.

7. Keep your paragraphs at moderate length.

8. Underline important statements and data in the paragraphs of your essay.

9. Let your essay not go beyond 250-350 words

B. Language and Style

1. Use very lucid and simple language as far as possible.

2. Make use of only very formal and decent words.

3. Avoid the use of slang and taboos at all costs.

4. Make use of idioms and phrasal verbs to precisely describe your issue.

5. Every time you use a proverb, you need to establish it with a suitable example.

6. Bring examples from several different sources like-
a.     History
b.     Literature
c.      Current Affairs
d.     Life Experiences.

7. Use the tense as per the type of your essay like-
a) Past tense for a narrative essay: A visit to a Historical Place

b) Present or future tense for a reflective essay: Patriotism

Tips for Writing Short Guided Story 

A. Format and Layout

1. Do not forget to mention the title at the top center.

2. Let the title not exceed 3 or 4 words at the most.

3. Write your story in the facing pages only if possible.

4. Have a minimum of 5 short separate paragraphs.

5. It looks better if you leave a line after the completion of every paragraph.

6. Never forget to mention the moral at the bottom of the page and underline it.

B.        Language and Style

1. Follow the principle of KISS. (Keep it short and simple)

2. Make use of the past tense except for the dialogues.

3. Make use of contraction in all dialogues.

4. Use adverbs and adjectives to precisely describe the actions and circumstances.

5. At times make use of inverted language. (Begin sentences with a negative adverbial)

6. Do not use slang and other taboos, however, you can use colloquial language as per the characters.

7. Make use of at least one set of dialogues but do not dramatize your story with only dialogues.

8. Give reasonable and convincing names to characters, but never use popular names usually of sports stars, politicians, scientists, etc.

9. Never change the version of the given outline, just follow the given plot.

10. Make careful use of phrasal verbs, idioms, and even proverbs to embellish your story.

11. Be careful with your grammar; do not ignore it.

12. Ensure that your story pleases people of all ages, especially little children must find it interesting.

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