Thursday, February 7, 2019



A dream is something that occupies a person’s mind regardless at rest or action. Dreaming is a process in the mind of almost all the beings. The animals perhaps do not remember what they dream but we human beings unlike animals do and sometimes express it to our fellow friends. Hope is also a kind of dream but it usually resides and works in the conscious mind. The only difference between dreams and hopes is that dreams reside and work in the subconscious mind whereas hopes can function only in the conscious mind and also with a purpose. Dreams, on the other hand, may or may not have a purpose. However, there are scholars who take dreams and hopes synonymous to each other.

 These two complementary abstracts are the guiding principles of life and the total force of human development and civilizations. As it is already mentioned that almost all the beings dream but only the human beings can remember; then analyze if the dream could be materialized, if it has relations with the past life or it is an augur to the days ahead. The dream also inculcates hopes in the mind of a man. A man begins to hope for the best as soon as he dreams. All sorts of creations are based on these two edifices. In fact, creativity lies in all the healthy and sound minds. Some minds are able to exploit it and the other simply don’t attempt. Those that can exploit are called creative writers, thinkers, scientists and so forth but the others are left out in the shadow.

 Men develop and make civilizations for these edifies profusely work in their mind. As we observe children at play they act as if they are creative writers and create their own world. And this is what models their mind thereby creating a myriad of prodigies. Thus all this eonly made civilization is the outcome of the collective function of dreams and hopes.

 Violence, on the other hand, is the consequence of the failure to materialize the dreams and hopes one cherishes. Man becomes violent, aggressive, irritant, oppressive, neurotic, psychotic, crazy, mad and what not unless his dreams aren’t materialized. A man turns to violence to fulfill his long cherished dreams and hopes if they don’t seem to yield quick results at the first few attempts or easily. The man of today has grown so impatient and indifferent that he simply can’t wait for anything as a result, many resort to violence – the easiest way to become successful overnight. But those that have an immense sea of patience undoubtedly wait and wait even if the result seems a long way ahead. Also, these people constitute noble family backgrounds whereas the others constitute the ignoble birth, poorly brought up, ignorant and uncultured families without any traces of moral education, except for some exceptions. Mostly, in the context of Nepal, the adherence to violence is owing to the Dionysian inclination being implanted by the unscrupulous political leaders of the nation who use violence as an indispensable tool to reach the power hub.

 Hence, dreams and hopes must not be more than what we can do and what is in our hands if we really want to live a life like a human being. There should also be an innovative culture set in the political culture that the foundation of their parties is not the spree of the uncontrolled mob. It is not the hollow assurance either but the policies and practices they make and practise.
 Now the days are not far when the people will have a sound society devoid of all the corroded and corrupted leaders. The nation will again see a bright light piercing through the evil that had nearly swallowed the peace and order of the society.

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