Monday, September 28, 2020

General Knowledge Quiz-whiz

This is the age of knowledge, information, and communication. Our children today need to compete not only with their classmates and other children in the communities but with children across the globe.

General Knowledge in this regard can be one of the most interesting and fun ways for little children to participate and test the repositories of their information on various topics or subjects of their level.

Children are very smart in GK and IQ are undoubtedly good at EQ and other cognitive abilities. They have a better vision to perceive the world than most ordinary children. We have seen that children as young as first graders to twelve equally participating and enjoying the challenge of quizzes organized at various times and places.

There can be various areas identified as different domains of general knowledge like History, Geography, Mathematics, Science, Invention and Discovery, Information and Communication, astronomy, Marine Life, Wildlife, Sociology and Anthropology, Arts and Media, and many many fields already in studies and many others yet to be envisioned and discovered and created.

Our children are growing by leaps and bounds not just physically but mentally, socially, and spiritually. What took us 10 years to learn in the past is what today's children learn in a year or even less. The uncontrollable access to the devices, gadgets, and the galaxies of the information and communication technology has revolutionized the learning modes and storing information. As a parent, I personally encourage my children to partake in such competitions as the quiz and General Knowledge tests. Why not you?

This is merely a humble attempt to provide our children with some fun challenges and kill their time getting involved in some productive work rather than watch the sad news of the global pandemic. 

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