Words | Meanings |
258. penitentiary | reformatory |
259. precarious | dangerous |
260. quintessence | (the most important example of sth) |
261. razzmatazz | showiness |
262. reminiscence | nostalgia |
263. rendezvous | meeting(place) |
264. repertoire | catalogue |
265. resilient | strong |
266. rheumatism | bone disease |
267. sapphire | precious blue stone |
268. schizophrenia | a mental illness in which a person becomes unable to link thought, emotion and behaviour) |
269. scintillating | (very clever, amusing and interesting) |
270. sequoia | a redwood (American tree) |
271. silhouette | (the dark outline or shape of a person or an object) |
272. susceptible | prone to (disease) |
273. sycophancy | unnecessary praise |
274. thesaurus | book of synonyms |
275. transcendental | mystical |
276. ulcerate | to become ulcer (medical) |
277. unambiguous | clear/precise |
278. unassailable | undisputable |
279. uncorroborated | unconfirmed |
280. underprivileged | having less means |
281. unscrupulous | dishonest |
282. unswerving | reliable |
283. vehement | passionate |
284. velveteen | of velvet |
285. vicissitude | one of the many changes and problems in a situation or in your life |
286. vouchsafe | grant |
287. whammy | very unpleasant situation |
288. whirlpool | huge current |
289. xenotransplantation | the process of taking organs from animals and putting them into humans for medical purposes |
290. ytterbium | silver white metal |
291. yttrium | chemical, grey white metal |
292. zucchini | a vegetable The End |
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Saturday, March 9, 2019
Spelling Test-9
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