Thursday, February 7, 2019

Interesting Oxymorons

1.     easy labor (childbirth)
2.     easy payments
3.     easy problem
4.     easy task
5.     easy to follow directions
6.     economic forecast
7.     economic reform
8.     economic stability
9.     educated consumer
10.  educated guess
11.  educational administration
12.  Educational television
13.  Educational TV
14.  effective compassion
15.  elected king
16.  elementary calculus
17.  elevated subway
18.  elite rabble
19.  eloquent silence
20.  energetic exhaustion
21.  enough time
22.  enormously small
23.  cute pig
24.  pet leopard
25.  unknown truth
26.  cruel mother
27.  callous priest
28.  closed and shut matter
29.  walking car
30.  married bachelor
31.  unmarried virgin
32.  organic hybrid
33.  Virgin Islands
34.  Indian American
35.  religious butcher

36.  entertaining sermon
37.  enthusiastic indifference
38.  environmentalist bumper sticker
39.  equally diverse
40.  equal justice
41.  equal opportunity
42.  ergonomic keyboard
43.  escaped inmate
44.  eschew obfuscation
45.  essential luxury
46.  essential service
47.  eternal life
48.  ethical hackers
49.  Ethiopian Feast
50.  ethnic cleansing
51.  European Community
52.  evaporated milk
53.  even odds
54.  evolutionary fact
55.  evolutionary technology
56.  evolutionary theory
57.  exact estimate
58.  executive assistant
59.  least important
60.  most useless
61.  notably unknown
62.  agreeable debate
63.  wonderful stupid
64.  great poverty
65.  barren farmland
66.  smart donkey
67.  weak strength
68.  powerful beggar
69.  hurting love
70.  silly idea
71.  awful beauty

72.  executive secretary
73.  expected serendipity
74.  expected surprise
75.  expect the unexpected
76.  explicit innuendo
77.  explicitly ambiguous
78.  express bus
79.  express line
80.  express mail
81.  expressways
82.  expressive silence
83.  extended deadline
84.  extensive briefing
85.  Extinct Life Form
86.  extraordinary
87.  extra money
88.  extra time
89.  extremely average
90.  extremely bland
91.  extremely neutral
92.  eyes wide shut
93.  deathly silence
94.  deafening noise
95.  beautiful death
96.  silent protest
97.  ferocious love
98.  kind enemy
99.  miniature dinosaur
100.     solid waters
101.     baby king
102.     teen mother
103.     inside out
104.      upside down
105.      lush desert
106.      mindful trick
107.      honest thief
108.      generous lender

Compiled and edited from

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